Courses taught
- Summer II, 2016, STAT 302 at Texas A&M University
- Spring 2021, STA 101, at Duke University
- Fall, 2021, STAT 511, at Purdue University. All course materials will be disseminated via Brightspace.
- STAT 633 at Texas A&M University: Gave 6 lectures for the Advanced Bayesian methods course intednded for PhD students. Topics covered were posterior consistency, posterior contraction in high dimensional or nonparametric Bayesian methods. I prepared a semi-formal set of notes based on the topics covered. These notes are mainly prepared from the book “Fundamentals of Bayesian nonparametrics” by Ghosal and Van der Vaart. You can access the book in a series of lectures here. My notes mainly covers parts of Chapters 7, 8 and 9.